Looking Back on 2018

2018 was a forking good year. While it may not have been my most productive year in terms of finished projects, it was a great year for inner reflection and personal growth. Here are a few of the highlights:

L to R, top to bottom: 1) “Squareback Anthias” hangs with a dogwood ribbon at the AQS Spring Paducah show. 2) Tito lays on the “Flower Hat Jelly” quilt top. 3) A quilt top made by my great-great-grandmother, finished by me, and gifted to my sister. …

L to R, top to bottom: 1) “Squareback Anthias” hangs with a dogwood ribbon at the AQS Spring Paducah show. 2) Tito lays on the “Flower Hat Jelly” quilt top. 3) A quilt top made by my great-great-grandmother, finished by me, and gifted to my sister. 4) Brent and I pose triumphantly on Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon. 5) “Felicitous Pickle”, my favorite finish of 2018. 6) Riding our bikes to vote in the November elections. 7) Yarn for my Arboreal sweater. 8) A progress shot of my “Spotted Hawkfish” quilt. 9) A Freya knit tunic, pattern by Style Arc.

  • I finished eight quilts: five of my own, two antique tops, and one ChattMQG group quilt.

  • Several of my quilts were featured in seven shows across the country. Squareback Anthias brought home a dogwood ribbon from AQS Spring Paducah and an honorable mention ribbon from Pacific International Quilt Festival.

  • I expanded my garment-sewing capabilities and added a few me-made items to my wardrobe.

  • With practice, I’m becoming more extroverted. I still need quiet time to recharge every day, but working two years as both an aquarium docent and guild president has helped me learn how to better engage with people around me.

  • After years of chronic pain, I’m finally getting more attuned to my body. I bought a new bike over the summer and made exercise part of my daily routine. Learning about the fascia from yoga instructor Dylan Werner has been particularly eye opening.

And there’s a lot to look forward to in 2019: Felicitous Pickle will be at QuiltCon in February, and my work will be featured in two museum exhibitions! (Stay tuned for more details.)

My goals for the new year are twofold:

  • Continue to build my quilt portfolio with work that makes me happy, and share it.

  • Become more attentive and responsive to the needs of my body.

When I started quilting, I had no idea where it would take me. This has been an incredible journey, and the privilege is not lost on me. Thanks for following along!


Three Things I Learned after My Third QuiltCon


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